sábado, 13 de novembro de 2010

Introducing Yourself - Jon Griffith

My Name is Jon Griffith. I was born in a small city by the name of Layton, Utah which is near the capital of Utah. However, I currently live in a small town called Show Low in the state of Arizona. I am eighteen years of age and work at the local grocery store called Safeway. At the moment I am single and proud to be so.

I have a love for music in general; that is to say, everything except heavy metal, country, and a few other types that just do not float my boat. I think about a lot of things, but if I was asked my opinion on something, I always answer what I really believe. For instance, my country is a beautiful place! There are so many wonderful sites to see almost everywhere you go.

One of the things that I expect out of people is, without exception, that people need to treat others with respect. I do not however, thing that people should stand there and take a beating with out putting in their own two cents.

As of right now, I am still attending college and plan to finish it before anything professional is put on the table. I am studying to be a Psychologist and an Architect.

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